Taking creatine before training vs taking creatine after training

Creatine is a complete supplement in the sports and fitness industry and is recognized as an "evergreen tree for increasing muscle strength"

Creatine can increase muscle strength and explosive power, promote muscle synthesis, and increase muscle volume, and is favored by muscle-building enthusiasts.

But for a long time, people did not know much about the specific principles and usage of creatine. Even professional bodybuilders still have too much confusion and confusion about creatine.

Should I take creatine before or after exercise? Just embarrass a lot of people?

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Some people say it is best to eat before exercise! eatComplete strength training

1.Creatine is a small molecule substance and is absorbed quickly. The creatine supplemented before exercise can be directly utilized during exercise, providing fitness enthusiasts with sufficient creatine guarantee for higher intensity training.

2. Taking creatine before exercise can effectively increase the creatine level in the body and prevent the decline in exercise ability caused by insufficient creatine in the body. Creatine can be synthesized with phosphoric acid into creatine phosphate (CP), which becomes an important energy substance in the body. Creatine phosphate is the reserve army of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and is the energy storage body of ATP. Generally speaking, for rapid and explosive exercise within 8 seconds, the energy substance is mainly creatine phosphate. Taking creatine orally can increase the content of creatine phosphate in muscles by 20%.

3. Taking creatine before exercise can significantly improve muscle strength, explosive power and muscle endurance. Some data show that taking 5 grams of creatine orally before exercise every day for 30 days can increase muscle contraction speed by 5%. Once creatine phosphate is depleted, physical energy will suddenly decrease.

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