Do you know the correct movements of Russian twist?

People who like fitness always love to try different fitness movements. The Russian twist, as a fitness movement just getting started, is not mentioned in the mouths of many big guys, but for novices, this seems simple. Is exercise really that simple? Do you know what the correct form of the Russian twist is? Let’s go and see it together!

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Correct movements of Russian twists

1. Preparation movements

If you want to do Russian twists, you first need to Lie on a supportive surface, preferably something like a yoga mat on the floor, and lie on it, as if you were doing sit-ups, with your calves and feet flat and your knees slightly bent. To maintain stability and balance, your feet can be slightly twisted together. Lie with your upper body flat on the ground. Straighten your arms, keep them perpendicular to the ground, and hold your hands together.

2. Action essentials

After making preparations, we can officially start exercising. First, we need to use the strength of the waist and abdomen to contract the muscles there, drive the upper body up, and twist to one side until the two arms can be parallel to the ground. After a few seconds, return to the original ready position, and then move in the opposite direction. Make an action in the direction. You can also complete a few sets of movements on one side first, and then do the other side. Note that the range must be higher to allow the muscles to be fully exercised.

What does the Russian Twist do?

1. The seated Russian Twist does more to build a flat or six-pack abs. This exercise isn't just limited to the abdominals.

2. This core exercise is a good exercise for the entire abdomen. It engages all abdominal muscles.

3. It can strengthen the rectus abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique muscles.

4. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

5. It’s not just your belly that’s working here. Your lower back is also strengthened due to the position of your back during the exercise.

6. The seated Russian twist strengthens the oblique muscles on both sides of the abdomen.

7. Strengthening abdominal muscles helps prevent sagging and maintain good posture. This projects confidence and trims the silhouette.

8. Trimming your tummy can also help you with everyday activities, such as bending over to put away your shoes, picking things up off the floor, or sitting in a low chair.